Fear is the Key  
作者:Alistair MacLean  
出版日期:2011 / 04 / 29  
ISBN : 9780007289264  
原價:NT 330元  
售價:NT 265元 特價:NT 165元  


A classic novel of ruthless revenge set in the steel jungle of an oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico -- and on the sea bed below it. Now reissued in a new cover style. A sunken DC-3 lying on the Caribbean floor. Its cargo: ten million, two hundred and fifty thousand dollars in gold ingots, emeralds and uncut diamonds guarded by the remains of two men, one woman and a very small boy. The fortune was there for the taking, and ready to grab it were a blue-blooded oilman with his own offshore rig, a gangster so cold and independent that even the Mafia couldn't do business with him and a psychopathic hired assassin. Against them stood one man, and those were his people, those skeletons in their watery coffin. His name was Talbot, and he would bury his dead -- but only after he had avenged their murders.

一艘沉沒的DC-3靜靜地躺在加勒比海海底, 船上 裝載著價值10,250,000美元的金錠、翡翠及未切割的鑽石。除此之外,還有兩個男人、一個女人及一個非常小的男孩的屍體。 這批寶藏被一位系出名門的石油商、一個就連黑手黨也不敢與其交易的黑幫人物以及一個變態的殺手發現。 另一方面,阻止他們將寶藏帶走的是一位首領與其手下以及那些隨船罹難的人們。 這位首領名叫塔爾博特,決心為死去的同伴復仇。



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